Saturday, December 6, 2014

Passion Seeks Knowledge

Friendship and building relationship with people was something I had struggled with throughout my childhood. This pharmacology program brought me to the city that is known for it's southern hospitality. I have made so many friends here, more than I ever thought possible. At times I wish the program would never end.
As we approach 2015, the pressure builds. Next semester not only do I need to continue studying hard for this program, I also need to start preparing my med school applications and to study for the MCAT once again. I have just started on my personal statement and the inevitable question of why medical school. My answer to that question remains on the same focus as I did two years ago when I applied the first time. However, I have grown as a person and gained some more insight into a life devoted to medicine. The dream is still there but it is sharper now with a clearer path to the goal. This program gave me a glimpse into the rigor of medical school and the importance of life-long learning to a career in medicine. There were times in this program that I felt like giving up and it has really taught me what it means to have passion. Back in my undergraduate study there were classes I was required to take where I only studied to get good grades but I didn't have passion for the material. On the other hand, the pharmacology program is much harder than any class I had ever encountered but I never want to give up because passion seeks knowledge. The passion I have for medicine fuels the late-night studies (along with cans of Monsters of course). Having to study is no longer a sacrifice but enjoyable and satisfying.

Volunteer hour tally:
09/06/2014    0745-1700 Habitat for Humanity (8 hrs)
09/13/2014    0745-1600 Habitat for Humanity (8 hrs)
10/03/2014    1400-1800 KIPP (4 hrs)
10/04/2014    1000-1500 KIPP (5 hrs)
10/08/2014    1300-1600 KIPP (3 hrs)
Total hours for the semester: 32 hrs

Overview of semester: Time flew by this semester. I've learned a lot over the past few months, not only academically but also socially. I'm grateful for the experience and the opportunity. Although I may not remember every single drug, their mechanisms, interactions, and toxicities, I think it's safe to say that I will never forget the people and the life lessons I've gained here.